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2013 Continuing the Conversation – Wednesday

Continuing the Conversation

 Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

 Shepherd’s Fold Ranch’s (SFR) summer teaching theme is for the entire camp. We believe that the unity in the theme will increase the unity in our summer staff and campers. These teachings will be progressive through the week and will remain in line with the teaching styles from the previous summer’s programs.

 *In our teachings we always point to Jesus as the example, not to the camper in making a mistake.

The following is the breakdown of the daily teaching themes and some questions to ask your camper in order to “continue the conversation” with them. These daily themes were used for all aspects of our daily teachings from encounters to cabin talks.


It is important to note the process

a)      the HS comes on you

b)     You receive power to be HIS witness – in your words, actions, forgiveness, unity, etc.) in Jerusalem (start where you’re at – family)

c)      you become His witness in Judea (friends/neighbors)

d)     you become His witness in Samaria (the people you or others have cast out)

e)      you become His witness to the ends of the earth (every person, everywhere)

After we understand the HS, who He is and what He does, we can move onto the second half of verse 8.



  • In the night encounter we made the connection between Samaria and those who don’t get along with or relate to by relating that Jesus wanted the disciples to be witnesses in Samaria, which was an area that Jews did not like or want to go.
  • Define outcasts: people you have cast out of your life or people you know of that have been cast out by others.
  • Answer: How do we be a witness to the people we and others have cast out?

Additional Verses:

  • John 4
  • John 13:34-35


Questions for campers:

  1. Have you ever felt like you were an outcast?
    1. How did that feel?
    2. Do you know someone who has been an outcast?
    3. How does Jesus say we should treat the outcasts?
      1. Be a witness to them (Acts 1:8).
      2. How can you be a witness to someone who is an outcast of a group?
        1. Eat lunch with them at school.
        2. Share God’s love (John 13:34-35).
        3. Talk with them.
        4. Be their friend.
      3. When you see someone at school that others have outcast, what are you going to do to show them Jesus’ love?
        1. (open-ended question)


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