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Fall Retreats | Homeschool Retreats

Shepherd’s Fold Ranch an Oklahoma Christian Summer Camp and retreat center located just north of Tulsa, Oklahoma and as long as written by Daniel Roberts, our retreat director and marketing manager.

Last weekend was a great time to have a retreat.  Christian Education Alliance knew that, and planned for a great weekend. CEA- if you are unfamiliar is a homeschool CO-OP that operates in Tulsa Oklahoma. Co-Op’s are on the rise in popularity and have grown tremendously in the past few years. Homeschool groups are great retreaters and fir the DNA and culture that Shepherd’s Fold works so hard to protect. They tend to value similar things and have a deep respect for relationships. We are so honored to work with the CEA and all of our homeschool consortiums.

As a educational program from 1994, the CEA has offered various student groups for their members to join and develop their educational experiences. Their Key Club was the group that came for the weekend.  Key Club is a part of the Kiwanis club and operates to provide students chances to serve and grow as young leaders. This weekend was a getaway for both new and returning members and led by some parents.  As reflected in their schedule below, they did a lot and had a great time. They did not have time to do a service project, but next year that might be a great idea! There are lots of work projects to do around here J.

If you have a student group that is interested in doing a service project, please have them contact us and we can discuss a plan. We would love to have you!

Take a look at what they did while they stayed here. (Please note this schedule should not be reused without permission.)



2:00 p.m. Leave CEA Get in the correct vehicle and don’t forget your stuff!

3:00 p.m. Arrive at Shepherd’s Fold Unload cars and store personal belongings

3:30 p.m. Snacks Pray, commit to the weekend, listen to the schedule and guidelines

3:50 p.m. Active games Compete with your friends

4:50 p.m. Valley time Hang out in the field, on the basketball court, or under the pavilion – bring your balls and Frisbees or play the board games provided

5:30 p.m. Dinner Fuel up

6:30 p.m. Fun games Laugh with your friends

6:45 p.m. Praise and worship Send glory UP to God

7:00 p.m. Chapel Learn about God’s love IN you and how to send it OUT –Mr./Mrs. Mather speaks on ?

7:50 p.m. Night games Be strategic, be sneaky, be fast… be the winning team!

9:20 p.m. Bonfire and s’mores Get sticky and have your best jokes ready!

10:30 p.m. Night hike Remember: bugspray, flashlight, jacket

11:30 p.m. Reflection time in dorms Discuss with your roomies what God has shown you

11:45 p.m. Get ready for bed Please brush your teeth. Please.

12:00 p.m. Lights out Get some beauty sleep


8:00 a.m. Breakfast Be there

9:00 a.m. TAG Time Alone with God – grab your Bible and journal and

find a comfortable spot

9:45 a.m. Group reflection Discuss with the group what God has shown you

10:00 a.m. Fun games Laugh with your friends

10:15 a.m. Praise and worship Send glory UP to God

10:30 a.m. Chapel Mr. Mather speaks on ? with the boys and Mrs. Mather speaks on ? with the girls

11:15 a.m. Valley time Bring your balls and Frisbees, play the board games provided, and don’t forget to tie-dye your t-shirt

12:00 p.m. Lunch Fuel up

12:45 Fun games Laugh with your friends

1:00 p.m. Praise and worship Send glory UP to God

1:15 p.m. Chapel Mr./Mrs. Mather speaks on ?

2:00 p.m. Active games Compete with your friends

3:00 p.m. Free range Do anything you want (within reason)

4:00 p.m. Snacks Pig out

4:45 p.m. Prepare to leave Pick up, pack, and load cars

5:00 p.m. Leave Shepherd’s Fold Or we’ll leave you!

6:00 p.m. Arrive at CEA Get picked up by parents and say tearful farewells

One of the leaders commented how everything went so well that weekend and his favorite part was how delicious the food was. Kathie, our wonderful cook made some homemade Stromboli that tasted amazing and weighed about 10 lbs each. Other than that night, they also dined on homemade quiche in the morning and had some delicious heated subs for lunch. As always, Kathie and the kitchen crew pleased the entire group and even had a special menu for the Gluten Free Eaters. Kathie is  such a blessing to Shepherd’s Fold and she sees it as her ministry to cook for all the groups that come through here.

If you are interested in learning more about booking your next retreat, please call the Retreat Director in the office and they will be happy to help. Our calendar fills up quickly, so the sooner you call the sooner we can secure your spot.


Have you read about all you can about the CEA Retreat? Well here is more info!

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Homemade Italian Recipes

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