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How to Choose a Summer Camp, Part 1

GreatSchools wrote an article discussing ten questions you should consider when choosing a summer camp for your child. In the article, the GreatSchools staff mention the American Camp Association, which is community of camp professionals who, for 100 years, have joined together to share knowledge and experience and to ensure the quality of camp programs.

Shepherd’s Fold Ranch is currently undergoing the ACA accreditation process. We are very excited to become a part of this great organization.

I will break up the questions from the GreatSchools article into several different posts. Below is the first question the GreatSchools article suggests being asked before signing up to a summer camp. I have answered the questions for SFR. Feel free to contact the office 918.263.3622 with any further questions. The SFR team is happy to help!

1. What’s the camp’s philosophy? IMG_0907

Shepherd’s Fold Ranch is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center that provides an environment to encounter the fullness of God.

We believe in the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct; the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His substitutionary atonement for sin, His bodily resurrection, His personal, visible return to earth to reign in righteousness and glory; the Person of the Holy Spirit, and His work of conviction, regeneration, and sanctification, Who indwells every believer, equipping them with gifts for service and witness; the necessity of new birth, in salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone, and the importance of a life fully committed to the will of God in Christ and the church as the one universal body of Christ Who is the Head, called to be God’s redeemed people.

Each morning at SFR, every person at camp does a morning encounter – the SFR staff teaches the campers what a daily quiet time is, why it is important, how to do it, and then give campers an opportunity to practice taking ownership of their relationship with Christ.

Every evening, you will find campers and staff at a night encounter – Holy Spirit driven worship and scripturally sound teaching.

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