Personal Property Policies
Personal Property Policies for Campers, Parents, Staff and Visitors
Possession and Use of Alcohol and Drugs
Under no circumstance are alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, illicit drugs, firearms, weapons of any kind, fireworks, or pets allowed on Shepherd’s Fold Ranch property at any time. Shepherd’s Fold Ranch reserves the right to search any person’s belongings if it is suspected any of these items have been brought on property. A search will only be conducted if a Director level staff has given approval. If contraband is found it will be confiscated and given to the Camp Director to make determination on further action.
Camper Use of Personal Property
As a general policy, campers may bring approved belongings at their own risk (includes sports equipment and personal items.) Shepherd’s Fold Ranch is not liable for loss, damage or theft of personal property. All lost and found items should be turned in to the camp office. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Camp Director. In such cases, an approved agreement will be written between the camper and SFR. No pets (except service animals) are allowed on property at any time.
Use of Employee Personal Property
As a general policy, employees should not use personal property on Camp premises to perform their jobs.Shepherd’s Fold Ranch is not liable for loss, damage or theft of personal property. NO PETS are allowed on property during summer camp operation.
Employee/Camper Vehicles While on Property
During the camp season, vehicles driven on property by staff or campers will only be operated while arriving or departing the property. Vehicles will adhere to camp posted speed limits and only park in approved parking areas.
Exceptions to the General Policy
Use of personal property, such as musical instruments or special equipment, may be appropriate in the conduct of Camp responsibilities. In such cases, an agreement should be executed between the employee and the administrative head. This agreement shall identify the equipment to be used and the length of service required.