Early Bird Discount Extended!
Great news! We are extending the Early Bird Discount dates through February 8th! If you missed out the first round, you still have time to take advantage of the $20 discount. Just visit our website at www.ShepherdsFoldRanch.com and click the “Sign Up for Camp” link on the right-hand side of the page. Type in your username and password, and follow the prompts. If you register before February 8th, the discount will automatically be selected!
If you have trouble logging in, email hope@sfrcamps.com or call 918-263-3622 for assistance. You don’t want to miss camp this year! We have a lot of new activities like fly fishing, primitive fire building, and ballet!
Also, we have a new zip line! It’s faster than last year’s. Come try it out! Join over 700 other campers at Shepherd’s Fold Ranch this summer to encounter the Lord through His creation!