Plan a Corporate Retreat
*Oklahoma Christian Summer Camp and Retreat Center, Shepherd’s Fold Ranch hosts many Corporate Retreat groups and provides some great tips on Planning a Corporate Retreat.* This post was written by Daniel Roberts the Retreat Director and resident snake hunting expert.
Planning a Retreat for your Office can seem like a daunting task, but fear not for it is as simple as 1-2-3. Here at Shepherd’s Fold Ranch as three season Retreat Facility we have quite a bit of experience hosting groups of all persuasions. We host all types of retreats: Youth Retreats, Corporate Retreats, Leadership Retreats, Team Retreats, Church Retreats and so many more. With all the groups we work with we have learned a few important tips to consider when you are planning your next adventure.
1) Plan Early
If you wait to long it does not matter how wonderful of an event you have pulled together– no one will be able to clear their schedule. It is usually best to have the event planned at least 90 days in advance. I understand some offices and groups do not know where they will be in a week, let alone three months, but it is best to give everyone fair warning when you are planning a retreat. When planning you need to determine if the event will be only be a day retreat or if you need an overnight facility. Check out the lodging SFR has to see how we are set up. Also, see about our new cabins we are building. The day retreats are typically easier for people to commit to so if your group seems a little non-commital go for a day. You can get a lot done with a day and if everyone has a great time they will be more apt to attend a second event.
2) Define the Purpose
Without vision the people perish. DO NOT PLAN A RETREAT without defining your purpose before hand. When everyone schedules time to be away from their family and other responsibilities you need to honor that by making the intentional time together as fruitful as possible. To plan the purpose ask yourself, “what do we need as a team?” “what big problems do we not openly deal with?” Are there any projects or events you are about to work on as a team? If so– use these as the form and guide to develop your purpose for the retreat! Your retreat purpose will help provide direction and help in making decisions for the types of activities you will do, the speakers you want to have and other retreat specific issues. Do not let your retreat fail because you failed to plan.
We would love to be your place for Corporate Retreats in Tulsa or any other type of Retreat Centers Near Tulsa, so please connect with us today!
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